Printer Touch

Having An Issue With Your Printer?

Solutions for HP Printer Printing Slow: Improve Speed and Efficiency

September 5, 2024

hp printer printing slow

HP printer printing slow can be dedicated to various issues. If you are wondering “Why is my printer taking so long to print”, it is most likely that the settings on your printer are not correct or there can be a minor glitch with your printer. There are 2 methods to fix this issue. Follow this Step-by-step guide and use both of the methods to fix the HP printer printing slow. 

Solution 1- Reset The Printer

Step 1- Disconnect the power cable of the printer while the printer is still turned on. Make sure that all the printing tasks are closed before disconnecting the printer. 

Step 2- Disconnect the power cable from the power supply unit.

Step 3- Wait for a minute and then re-connect the cord to the wall outlet.

Step 4- Connect back the power cable to the printer.

Step 5- Wait for 30 seconds and then press the power button on the printer to turn it on. 

Step 6- If you still find the HP printer slow to print then use the second method to reduce the print quality and change settings to fix the issue.

Solution 2- Change Printer settings

Step 1- Go to the start menu and open the “HP Smart” app. You can download the HP Smart app from

Step 2- Select the HP printer printing slow

Step 3- From the left side menu, click on advanced settings.

Step 4- Click on the settings tab at the top of the printer menu.

Step 5- Click on preferences. The menu will be expanded, click on “Quiet mode” in the expanded menu.

Step 6- Under the quiet mode menu, Select the “Off” option.

Step 7- Search for “Printer& scanners” in the start menu and click on it. You can find the same settings from the system settings also.

Step 8- Select the HP printer which is printing slowly.

Step 9- Click on “Printing Preferences”.

Step 10- Click on the “Paper quality tab”.

Step 11- Click on “paper type” and choose “plain paper”.

Step 12- If the print quality is set to best, click on it and then choose the normal option. If you just have to get documents printed. Choose the “Draft” option and then click on “ok” to save the settings.

If the HP printer printing slow issue still persists, you can contact Printer Touch and get support immediately. Slow printing issues can slow down all your work so do not undermine this issue and get help from Printer Touch now.

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