Printer Touch

Having An Issue With Your Printer?

Troubleshooting HP Printer Faxing Problems

August 20, 2024

HP Printer Faxing

Errors with HP printer faxing are one of the few common problems with the HP printer. If your HP printer fax not working has become a regular issue then the Faxing on your printer might not have been set up correctly. HP fax not answering is also one of the common problems that is caused when the printer fax function has not been set properly Going through this blog, you can easily set up the faxing feature on your HP printer. 

How to set up HP Printer faxing

  1. If the HP printer faxing is not working with your HP printer then turn the printer off and disconnect the telephone device or any other networking device that is connected to the phone jack on the wall socket.
  2. Get a phone line splitter before setting up fax on hp printer. Connect the phone line splitter to the phone jack.
  3. Take one end of a phone cord and plug it into one of the ports on the phone line splitter.
  4. Take the other end of the phone cord and insert it into the “Line” cord of the internet modem you are using. HP printer won t fax if the cord has not been connected to the correct port as shown in the below image.
  5. Get a DSL filter and plug it into the phone splitter port that is empty.
  6. Plug the other side of the phone cord used in the DSL filter into the port in the printer back labeled as “1line”.
  7. Attach the other end of the phone cord attached to the telephone into the port of the printer that is labeled as “2-Ext”. The HP printer fax not working issue is most likely to get resolved after this. 
  8. Turn on the modem, the phone, and the printer and check if the HP Printer Faxing issue has been completely solved or not.

 HP printer fax not working is a very simple issue and most of the time it can be easily identifiable and solved. To fix the issue, you just need to disconnect the phone modem and reconnect it using the steps described above. Keep in mind that you do not skip any step as each one of the steps is very important for the HP Printer Faxing setup. If you are not able to set it up properly, you can contact Printer Touch now and seek guidance on setting up the fax feature on your HP printer.

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