Printer Touch

Having An Issue With Your Printer?

Brother Printer ‘Print Unable’ Error: What to Do

December 15, 2024

brother printer print unable

The Brother Printer print unable is an error that shows on the printer screen when the Brother printer is unable to print due to a malfunction. The error can be fixed by resetting the printer through the settings of the printer. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of resetting the printer to fix the problem of the Brother printer not being able to print.

Step 1– To start the troubleshooting process, click on the “Menu” button of the printer.

Step 2– Use the Down arrow button to find “Machine Info”.

Step 3– Press the “OK” button to get into the Initial Setup.

Step 4– Find the “Reset” option. Click on “OK” to start the reset.

Step 5– Inside the “Reset” option, press the “OK” button when you find the “Machine Reset” option.

Step 6– The printer will ask you before resetting the settings. Press the “OK” button to continue.

Step 7– To reset the printer and fix the Brother printer print unable, press the “+” to reset the printer.

Step 8– After the brother printer reset is done, now it is time to reboot the printer. Press the “OK”  button.

Step 9– Press the “+” button of the printer to choose the “Yes” option. 

Step 10– Press the OK key to reboot the printer.

Step 11– After the printer restarts, the printer unable to print issue will be fixed. Choose the date and time in the printer to complete the fix

Whenever the printer is unable to print anything, it shows Brother printer print unable message. A simple reset is enough to get it back to printing. If your printer is unable to print after trying these fixes, the issue will require deeper troubleshooting to get your printer back to normal. Contact Printer Touch+1-844-460-2008. Our Printer experts will diagnose your printer online and provide the best solutions for you. Call Now!

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