Printer Touch

Having An Issue With Your Printer?

How to Fix Canon Printer ‘Ink Absorber Full’ Error

November 9, 2024

Canon Printer Ink Absorber Full Error

Canon Printer Ink Absorber Full Error displays on the printer screen when the sponge that absorbs the waste ink produced during printing or cleaning is full. Whenever you print anything, some of the ink goes into waste which is collected by the printer ink absorber. When the Canon ink absorber almost full, you need to replace it. Follow the steps below to replace the absorber and fix the error message.

Step 1– On the back side of the printer, you can see one screw on each of the sides. Open the screws with a screwdriver. 

Step 2– Remove the back cover of the printer.

Step 3– Please buy new printer ink absorbers before removing the old ones.

Step 4– With the help of a screwdriver or a scissor, take out the absorber which is on the left side.

Step 5—Remove each of the absorbers one by one. When the Canon printer ink absorber is full, it will turn dark blue or black.

Step 6– Take out the new printer ink absorber and gently place it in its place.

Step 7– Push the Ink absorber into the printer.

Step 8– When the ink absorber is set into the printer. It will look like as shown in the image below.

Ink absorbers are a vital component of the printer. If the absorbers are not changed for a longer period, you will get a Canon Printer Ink Absorber Full Error message. In this blog, we have shown you how to replace printer ink absorbers easily. Keep in mind to not damage the printer while you are changing the ink absorbers. To get a specialist to guide you through the whole process, call Printer Touch now!

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