Printer Touch

Having an Issue with Your Printer?

Terms and conditions

Welcome to Printer Touch. It is your agreement to be bound by these Terms and Conditions if you (“user,” “you,” “your”) access and utilise any of the printer services provided by Printer Touch (“we,” “us,” “our”). Any relevant policies, procedures, or extra terms that are posted on the website or sent to you are included in this agreement.

Please carefully read these terms to explain your rights, responsibilities, and limitations regarding your use of the Services of Printer Touch. You should stop using the Service right away if you disagree to be bound by the Terms and conditions.

We reserve the right to change the Terms at any time, and those changes will take effect promptly upon publication on the Service. By using the Service going forward, you consent to be bound by any modifications to the Terms.

To use our Service, you must be of sufficient legal age, be able to enter into binding contracts, and have full power and authority to agree to these Terms.

Services Provided

Printer Touch offers online printer repair services, including but not limited to:

  • Driver Updates
  • Printer malfunction
  • Printer errors

We reserve the right to modify or discontinue any services without prior notice.

User Accounts and Personal Information

The personal data you are submitting through our website to get our services should be true. It is your responsibility to provide correct information. At any point, we have the right to check that the data you submit is accurate. It is your Make sure that the password you are using is strong enough. Please do not share your password with any individual or enterprise. If you think your password, user ID, or other identifying information has been lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can take quick action.

Orders and Payment

Order Process

All and every order you place or the services you subscribe to through Printer Touch are subject to our acceptance. We reserve the right to cancel any order or subscription for any reason including errors in pricing or descriptions of the products or any other issues identified by us.

Pricing and Payment

Prices for all the services we provide for printer support are listed on our website. Different plans will have different prices and these prices are subject to change without notice. All the payments on the website for any of the services you take must be made at the time of order processing. The payment should only be made through accepted payment methods. The accepted payment methods are all listed and made publicly available on the website.


The pricing on the website does not include any taxes. Only after the final billing, taxes will be added and you agree to pay any taxes applicable to your purchase.

Third-party Service

We use a third-party company to complete our services. By accepting the terms, you are accepting to use the third-party apps or services.

Printer Service

In the process of providing service for your printers, we use third-party apps to detect and fix issues with your printer. By agreeing to the terms, you are giving us the right to install any third-party app required to fix your printer. If you are not allowing us to use any third-party app, you can ask us and we will terminate the servicing. 


We do not bill ourselves. We use third-party gateway and services to get the billing done. We make sure that no personal data like your name or address or any Secured data such as credit card information has been saved by the biller or gateway. 

Cancellations and Refunds

Cancellation Policy

You are not allowed to cancel your service purchase after the payment is made as well as the service is provided. If there is an issue that is not listed, you can call Printer Touch for more information.

Refund Policy

If you are not satisfied with the service provided by our technician, you can ask for a refund under our money-back guarantee for Printer Touch Services. The money-back guarantee can be withdrawn or dissolved at any time. If you got a service before that, you can get a refund. If we find that the issue was fixed and there are no service errors made by us, we will not be liable for a refund. You can call us directly for refunds or you can contact us through email. You can ask for a refund only if the service period has not crossed a week. The taxes will not be included in the refund.

Intellectual Property


All the intellectual properties including the trademark and logo which are related to Printer Touch are the Property of Printer Touch and are protected by trademark, copyright, and other intellectual laws. Violating any such law or using our copyright properties under any circumstance will allow us to take serious lawful action.

All content, trademarks, logos, and intellectual property related to Printer Touch are the property of Printer Touch or our licensors and are protected by copyright, trademark, and other intellectual property laws.

User Stuff

You have a copyright to your content but when you upload or submit any piece of content or stuff to us, you are granting us a non-exclusive worldwide license which is always royalty-free to use, modify, and also distribute your content to provide or advertise our services. To be clear, unless otherwise agreed in writing, the aforementioned license grant has no bearing on your other ownership or licensing rights in Your Stuff, including the right to grant additional licences to the content in Your Stuff.

Limitation of Liability

No Warranty

Our services are offered “as is” and “as available” without any implicit or explicit warranties of any sort. Like any other service, services provided by us are also not error-free and can lead to other issues. So we do not promise or warrant such things.

Limitation of Damages

Printer Touch and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any implicit, incidental, distinctive, significant, severe, or loss of profits or income resulting in any way related to your use of our services to the maximum extent permissible by law.

Notice and Takedown

You may seek the removal of any post or information on the Service that you feel violates your copyright or trademark rights by following the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s notice and takedown procedures. To adhere to such protocols, supply the following details:

  • A statement from the holder of copyrighted material or an authorised representative of the copyright holder that the challenging content is believed to be infringed.
  • Enough details about the purportedly infringing content’s location to enable us to locate and confirm its presence.
  • Your details to get in contact with you. These personal details are your phone no, your name, and your email address
  • A declaration under penalty of perjury from you attesting to the veracity of the information provided and to your authority to act on behalf of the copyright holder.
  • You will need to get the signature of the copyright holder or the representative authorized by the copyright holder

Governing Law and Dispute 

We operate our printer services in the United States so we follow the jurisdiction of the United States. Printer Touch is registered under the company “Realtech Soft Solutions” in India. The content and services can legally be used only if you are from the United States. If you choose to get the service from any other location, you will do it at your own risk and you will be responsible for compliance with the laws of the land. You will not be able to use the service in violation of US Laws and regulations.

These terms are personal to you. You do not hold the rights to transfer or assign these to any other individual or company. We, being the right holder of the terms, can assign or transfer the rights without consent.

If you have questions about these terms or you want to know more about it, you can contact us by dialing the phone no. or sending a mail to us at 

If you have any questions or concerns about these Terms, please contact us at:

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