Printer Touch

Having An Issue With Your Printer?

Troubleshooting Steps for HP Printer Won’t Turn On Issue

August 27, 2024

HP Printer Won't Turn On

HP printer Won’t turn on is an issue that stops you from printing indefinitely. The issue normally arises due to some glitch or error with the HP printer. Such errors are not new to printers. These issues are very common if the printer is switched off automatically in the last use. While these are some of the most common reasons behind it,  HP printer not turning on even if the power module is not compatible. By reading this blog, you can easily fix this issue on your own. Follow the steps below to fix the issue with the easiest troubleshooting guide available.

How to Fix HP Printer not Turning ON

  1. To solve the issue of the HP printer not switching on, first, detach the power cord from the printer. 
  1. You should also take out the power cord from the supply of power to completely close the power circuit. HP Printer Won’t Turn On even accidentally after you have cut the power supply to it.
  1. Also disconnect the external power supply cord, in case your printer has one .
  1. After waiting for a minute, put the power cord back into the block. 
  1. Insert the power cable back into the power port of the HP printer. 
  1. Insert the other end of the power cord into the power supply.
  1. Press the power button once on your HP printer. HP printer not turning on is an issue that can erupt if the power supply is not compatible with the HP printer that you are using. Check the compatibility of the power supply.
  1. You need to check the power output on both the external power cord and the printer. If both the power supplies do not match, the HP printer won t power on and in such a case you will need to get an external cord that matches the power supply of the printer.
  1. Match the colors of the power cord and the module of the printer. If the colors or the shapes do not match exactly, use a different power cord otherwise the HP Printer Won’t Turn On. If the color code matches then put the power cord back into the printer
  1. Press the power button once to turn on the printer.
  1. After following all the steps above if the HP printer not switching on, you will need to purchase a new power cord. You can buy it directly from the HP website.

There are times when your HP printer Won’t turn on. This blog comes in handy when such an error happens with your printer. The blog guides you through the whole process of fixing the problem. If you find any difficulties going through the process, the best thing is to do is to contact Printer Touch, one of the most reliable printer service brands across the USA.

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